816-853-3582 jwood@sunfolio.com

Simple Sustainable Savings

We specialize on implementing solar at affordable housing properties

Sunfolio reduces electricity costs by designing, financing and constructing car canopy and rooftop solar for companies with portfolios of affordable multifamily properties across the US. Sunfolio takes advantage of unique incentives in certain states and communities which are specific to these types of properties.


The International Energy Agency indicates that solar currently is the lowest cost form of energy and will be the world’s largest source of energy by 2050.

Sunfolio was the first solar development firm in the U.S to receive permission from HUD to implement Commercial PACE financing on HUD-financed affordable housing properties in the U.S. We work diligently to identify markets that have establishing incentives for solar on these types of properties.

Although solar is an environmentally-friendly energy solution, our focus is on providing savings to those who need it the most. We believe that saving money for the lowest-income citizens (a large percentage of the U.S population) is the best way to achieve carbon reduction goals while providing economic relief to tenants and property owners who are seeing expenses grow faster than rent revenue.

Sunfolio management team is among the most experienced in the renewable energy industry having been involved in the design, financing and construction of over 5 GWS of renewable energy projects worldwide.


How else can we save?

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In addition to solar implementation, Sunfolio also conducts (at our cost) energy audits of our customer’s properties and recommends and facilitates the implementation of energy-efficiency measures (again with no out of pocket cost to our customers). We serve as a full-service energy firm reducing and producing energy at our customer sites and making sure our customer’s are utilizing the best rate structures from their utility-providers.

What Results Can We Expect?

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Sunfolio regularly reviews our customer’s property portfolios to take advantage of new (and ever-increasing) solar incentives which are specifically designed to lower variable operating costs for tenants and owners of properties which rent to low and moderate income tenants. In some cases (such as California) these incentives can pay for the full cost of solar implementation at a site which can eliminate (or dramatically reduce) both common area and tenant electricity bills.

In addition, Sunfolio can utilize these special funding incentives to pay for needed capital improvements at an affordable apartment property including:

  • Car Canopies
  • Roofs
  • Lighting and HVAC energy efficiency improvements

Sunfolio’s technology tools and databases allow us to conduct our analysis and create customer proposals with at no cost to our customers and with very little commitment of time from management. At your request, we will provide you with a proposal which shows you where the solar improvements will be located and (with a high degree of accuracy) show you the savings you will achieve on both common area and tenant bills. We have a database of details of every affordable apartment property in the U.S. and our technology toolbox allows us to provide (utilizing satellite technology) a site design and savings analysis of any property in the U.S without even visiting the site.

What are the Next Steps?

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We will first conduct a comprehensive review of your properties, analyzing data from the utility and conduct site visits. We will then identify which properties are ideal for installations, then work to begin projects that will produce immediate savings with no out of pocket costs to you.

What WE Do

We Provide 

Simple Sustainable Savings

Sunfolio reduces electricity costs by designing, financing and constructing car canopy and rooftop solar for companies with portfolios of affordable multifamily properties across the US. Sunfolio takes advantage of unique incentives in certain states and communities which are specific to these types of properties


Everything from portfolio review to full operation is done with no out of pocket costs to you.


Financing projects 100% with grants and creative financing options for terms up to 30 years.


Sunfolio has obtained special pricing from a leading car canopy manufacturer allowing us to give our customer’s tenants free covered parking.

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